Chrome Touch Scroll like iPhone
ChromeTouch enables iPhone like touch scroll (pan) feature for your Chrome browser. With ChromeTouch you will be able to easily scroll down and scroll up with flick of your mouse. It allows you to click anywhere on a website (except links, buttons etc.) and drag the page upwards to scroll down and vise versa with iPhone like smooth page acceleration and bounce effect.
ChromeTouch gives option to enable Full drag mode and Auto mode that will not allow mouse drag on webpage text. You will be able to select Left Button, Middle Button or Right Button as your touch style scroll button and customize the drag speed, sliding distance (acceleration) and sliding brake factor. You can use enable the ‘Mouse Gesture’ option to drag the page left for page back, drag right for page forward. It also gives you the option to hide the Chrome scroll bar to to make the screen more wide.
Get ChromeTouch Scroll for Chrome
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