The MMultiBandTremolo VST plugin was developed to be a powerful multiband tremolo with adjustable shape. This effect is naturally designed to modulate sound level, however our incredible adjustable oscillator technology makes this plug-in much more than that. Due to its multiband core it is suitable for any single track as well as for master tracks.
MMultiBandTremolo provides 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on a perfectly transparent crossover with fully adjustable limits and input gains. Includes peak meters for all bands and the master. It geves you Continuously adjustable oscillator shape. Every oscillator in MMultiBandTremolo plugins is defined by mix of predefined oscillator shapes envelope from MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), and a step-sequencer. 4 global modulators support, in each instance you can have up to 4 modulation full-featured LFO, that can modulate any parameter including other modulators. This way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting. Each modulator also features and envelope follower for maximum versatility.
Download demo version MMultiBandTremolo.
Requires VST compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
MMultiBandTremolo File Size 7.2 MB.
MMultiBandTremolo Website.