Google Docs Desktop Client – GDocsOpen
GDocsOpen is a light desktop Google Docs file editor for Windows which allows you to open, edit and save Google Doc and Microsoft Office files including doc, ppt, xls, odt, csv and other types or document. To open a office document you don't need Microsoft Office or any other large Office program installed on your machine. GDocsOpen work as a bridge between your PC and Google Docs. It allows you to sync local documents directly to your Google Docs and enables you to edit documents using the Google Docs application outside the traditional web browser browser.
After login with your Google account, GDocsOpen will show your Google Docs file list, those are shored on the cloud. GDocsOpen can open local documents directly in Google docs by double-clicking them and uploads them to your Google drive account. It will then let you the document using the Google Drive interface, just like you would in an office application. Just double click the document and it automatically gets uploaded to your Google Docs account. A browser window is integrated in the application so the file opens inside GDocsOpen.
Download free to try GDocsOpen.
GDocsOpen file size 704KB.
GDocsOpen Website
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