uTorrent Remote Manager
uTorrent Easy Client is a uTorrent download manager for Chrome. It allows integrate your uTorrent download in chrome browser and make it easy to organize and control your torrent downloads. You will be able to view/manage torrent list, manage file priority, add/remove torrents, control download/upload speed.
To setup uTorrent with remote client manager, open uTorrent application and go in "Options" > "Preferences" > "Advanced" section > "Web UI" . And then check the box "Enable Web UI", enter "Username" and "Password" and check the box "Alternative listening port", enter port number 8080. Now enter "Username". "Password", "IP-address" and "Port". If you do not know your "IP-address" try enter Press the button "Save all".
uTorrent Download Controller
uTorrent Plause is a uTorrent Download Controller for Chrom browser. uTorrent Plause allows you to play, pause, stop or apply/remove download limit to all uTorrent/BitTorrent torrents with single click. The extension will guide you to connect your client to Plause. You just have to click 'yes' on uTorrent and the extension will setup itself.
To set the download limit, or to stop torrents instead of pausing them or get reminders for paused torrents, go to the extension's options page. Permissions: The extension needs access to your computer's local ip to communicate with your torrent client. In earlier versions of the extension it used to communicate via a "hack", but now it uses proper communication channel and hence requires permission.
Apart from that it also needs a few harmless permissions which chrome won't prompt you about (because they are harmless) including notifications permission to show you notifications, alarms permission to show you reminders and storage permission to sync your settings across devices.
If the extension stopped working, try "Reset Defaults" on extension's options page. If it still doesn't work and you are a bit tech savvy, press Ctrl + Shift + J on the options page and type the following without quotes and press enter. "localStorage.clear()".
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